Mental Health Workouts That Will Improve Wellbeing
Many people ask the question “How are you doing?” as a way to greet you. When you respond, is your first thought mental health? Physical health? Or a combination of both? Likely neither, but in reality, a combination of both should be the right answer when we really reflect on this question.
In modern times, we realize how important mental health is. As such, we are constantly striving to come up with solutions for fighting depression, anxiety and other disorders.
When we want to feel better physically, we eat right and exercise. But what do we do when we want to feel better mentally? This article will provide you with mental health workouts that produce optimal health throughout the body.
Mental Health Gyms
If you are looking for the ultimate in a mental health workout, you may consider joining a mental health gym. This is a new concept the combines mindful movement, typically in the form of yoga, with mediation, conversation, journaling and other therapeutic activities.
As a newer concept, these gym classes are typically held online to be COVID safe. They are live-streamed over Zoom and members can also view prerecorded sessions. However, we can foresee a time when they will be taken to an in-person format.
Members pay a low monthly fee to participate.
Those that have joined say they enjoy connecting with other people, but also didn’t feel like they were on the spot to open their hearts, nor did they feel like they were listening in one someone else’s therapy session. They found the experience fun and not intimidating.
Mental health gyms aim to improve the wellbeing of those participating while removing stigmas surrounding emotional issues. They open a forum for discussions and promote a structure for communications so people understand, not only why they should be opening up, but how. These gyms therefore provide a safe space and environment for starting these important conversations in a non-threatening manner.
Physical Exercise to Promote Mental Health
Mental health workouts can simply involve a physical workout. Exercising boosts serotonin levels in the brain to increase feelings of happiness and reduce stress and depression. If you are looking for the workouts that are most beneficial to your wellbeing, here are some to consider.
Walking: Walking is a low-intensity workout that encourages positive thinking and increases alertness. Walking in nature can be an especially soothing experience. The fact that the activity is not taxing means people are not easily discouraged from engaging in it. It’s also suitable for individuals with injuries and certain disabilities.
Yoga: Yoga involves gentle, soothing movements that focus on breathing. The deep steady breaths involved reduce destructive thinking and fight anxiety. The movements help you see complex angles to boost problem-solving abilities.
HIIT Workouts: HIIT workouts have developed a reputation for increasing stress, because they boost cortisol and adrenaline but as the body gets used to the activity, they can start to work as a coping mechanism. They provide that much-needed burst in endorphins and take you away from life’s problems. They will also boost self-confidence as you reach your fitness goals.
Dance: Dancing is a great way to escape from depression. It improves posture which is beneficial to self-confidence. It also provides a sense of freedom and release. In non-COVID times, it can work as a terrific social outlet as well.
Mental Health Exercises
Having a rough day? Here are some mental health exercises which can help.
Deep Breathing: Deep breathing is something you can do almost anywhere to relieve stress. For best results, breathe in until you feel your diaphragm expand. Then breathe out slowly. You can increase your focus by counting to five or ten as you inhale and exhale.
Meditate: Thanks to phone apps, meditation is another relaxation exercise that can be done almost anywhere. When you are feeling stressed at the office, just take out your phone and follow the steps the app recommends until you regain focus. If you don’t have access to a phone app, you may be able to meditate by concentrating on the objects around your room one by one.
Socialize: Socializing with other people increases dopamine in the brain reducing feelings of depression. When you come into work, take a moment to say hello to your coworkers. Socialize when you get breaks during the day. It will help improve your mood and focus.
Listen to Music: Listening to music can help boost your mood. Relaxing classical music is recommended in times of stress. Upbeat and positive songs with a simple structure will provide a sense of optimism.
Your body needs workouts to stay in shape, and so does your mind. The exercises recommended in this article will help keep depression at bay. What do you like to do to get that positive energy flowing?